Krásné ráno všem,
dnes vás trochu zahltíme fotkama, protože i když zůstáváme ve městě, anebo vyjedeme zrovna i za hranice, snažíme si vždy vše užít na plno, a tak máme za sebou úžasný týden a především víkend plný zážitků, o které se s váma chceme podělit.
V týdnu jsme společně stihly večeři a koncert a zároveň i tak trochu oslavit naše výročí, ke kterému jsme se vlastně dopracovaly až na konci večera (skoro bychom už zapomněly). Znáte ty chvilky nad skleničkou dobrého vína... :-)
Nikola si nechala střihnout o pěkný kousek vlasy (o našich nápadech jste mohli číst tady) a na víkend odjela na túru do Alp. Martina si zase na chvilku užívala klidu domova, testovala nové boty na běhání a strávila odpoledne na food festivalu.
Tak pojďte na to mrknout,
Vaše BBP
Hey and good morning to all of you,
today we have quite a lot of pictures for you as either we stay in the city or going out we always try to enjoy as much as we can and because of that we spent an another amazing week and most of all the weekend full of experiences we want to share with you.
During the week we went for a dinner and a concert and we basically celebrate our anniversary that we have found out we had almost at the end of the evening (and we would totally forgot). But you know the moments when sitting with the glass of a good wine... :)
Nikola also got a new haircut and shorten it for quite a bit (you could read about our ideas here) and at hte weekend she "ran away" for a trip to the Alps. Martina on the other hand was relaxing at home for some time, testing new running shoes and spent a nice afternoon at the food festival in Prague.
So let`s have a look,
Yours BBP
Hey and good morning to all of you,
today we have quite a lot of pictures for you as either we stay in the city or going out we always try to enjoy as much as we can and because of that we spent an another amazing week and most of all the weekend full of experiences we want to share with you.
During the week we went for a dinner and a concert and we basically celebrate our anniversary that we have found out we had almost at the end of the evening (and we would totally forgot). But you know the moments when sitting with the glass of a good wine... :)
Nikola also got a new haircut and shorten it for quite a bit (you could read about our ideas here) and at hte weekend she "ran away" for a trip to the Alps. Martina on the other hand was relaxing at home for some time, testing new running shoes and spent a nice afternoon at the food festival in Prague.
So let`s have a look,
Yours BBP
Eska. To je sázka na jistotu. Od snídaně po večerní menu prostě vynikající. Rády se vracíme nejen kvůli minimalistickému prostředí, lahodnému jídlu, ale také kvůli bezkonkurenční obsluze. || Eska. That`s a safe bet. From
breakfest to dinner it`s always great. We`re coming back for the minimalistic
design, delicious food and also for unbeatable staff.
O upgradu sportovní výbavy jste se mohli dočíst v jednom z našich posledních postů. Martina už delší dobu pokukovala po nové běžecké obuvi, takže mise splněna a jde se běhat. || One of our
recent posts was about our plans for an upgrade of the workout equipment.
Martina was looking for a new pair of running shoes for some time so
"mission completed".
Disclosure na sebe teda nechali čekat. Půl roku sem, půl roku tam... Ale na zrušený únorový koncert všichni po prvních tónech zapomněli. || Disclosure really knows how to make a lil
drama. Half a year there half there... But the February cancelled concert was forgiven with the first tones immediately.
Planai je hora, která leží v pohoří Schladmingské Taury o nadmořské výšce 1906 m n. m. I když to stálo dost sil, tak ten výhled byl úžasný. || Planai is a
mountain in Schladming-Dachstein at an altitude of 1906 metres above sea level.
Even that was a real challenge for Nikola it was worth it.
Po náročném výkonu si to žádalo malou odměnu. Dobře, že se do hor nejezdí každý víkend. :-) || After a challenging hike the little
treatment was needed. Well it`s good we don`t do this every weekend. :-)
Ono i u nás za barákem si jde užívat přírody a čerstvého vzduchu. Zvlášť když s sebou máte toho správného parťáka. || If you have
the right partner in crime you can enjoy the fresh air and nature right behind
your house.
Po delší době se Nikola svěřila opět do rukou profesionálů a nechala se ostříhat v Salonu Joshu. || Nikola gave
her trust to professionals from Salon Joshu and as always they did a really
good job.
První zastávka v Rakousku byla prohlídka města Salzburg. Úžasnou atmosféru a památky doplňovalo krásné počasí. || First stop in
Austria was in Salzburg. We were lucky with the perfect weather and the
atmosphere was amazing.
Poslední důležitá tečka za dnešním postem... Dejte občas nohy nahoru, odpočívejte a užívejte si všech věcí okolo sebe. || The very last
but most important at the end of today`s post...put your legs up sometimes,
rest and just enjoy all things around you.
Skvelé fotky ♥
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