Růžová je jedním z trendů letošní sezóny, takže je všem z vás, kteří nás sledují, jasné, že tento módní hit bych normálně obešla velkým obloukem. Až při výběru fotek do dnešního příspěvku jsem si uvědomila, že jsem tentokrát asi vlastně trendu podlehla. Sice se držím dost při zemi, ale tyhle "nové" sneakersky nemůžu v poslední době zout. Ani by tu tak nešlo o pohodlí, i když to je jistě velké plus, ale prostě padly mi do oka a také jsou dnes alespoň jedním kouskem, který celému outfitu dodá na barvách.
Fotky jsme fotily s Martinou asi před dvěma týdny, kdy venku ještě bylo dost aprílově, ale tyhle neidentifikovatelné a hlavně dlouhé topy mě nepřestávají bavit v jakémkoli počasí. Málokdy podléhám trendům a když už se to stane, většinou u nich zůstávám hodně dlouho, a to by přesně odpovídalo výzkumu o četnosti nošení našeho oblečení. Z něho totiž vyplývá, že nosíme z celého našeho šatníku pouze 20%. Zbylých 80% se na světlo světa asi dostane zřídkakdy.
Co vy a fashion trendy? Podléháte nebo vybíráte s rozmyslem?
Pink color is one of this season’s trends so those of you who follow us would assume that I would overlook this trend normally.
But when I was picking pictures for today’s post I have realized that in fact this trend got me this time.
It’s true I still feels like having feet on the ground but I can’t take these new sneakers off lately. It’s not only about feeling comfy although it’s very important but I simply fell for them and they are at least one piece that gives color to this outfit.
We made these pictures like two weeks ago when the weather was really unpredictable but I won’t stop enjoying these undefined long tops all year long. I’m rarely defeated by fashion trends but when I do I usually hold on to it for a long time. And that perfectly responds to the frequency research of wearing our clothes. It says that we wear only 20 % of items from our closet and the rest 80 % we might never put on.
What about you and fashion trends? Follow them easily or picking wisely?
Pink color is one of this season’s trends so those of you who follow us would assume that I would overlook this trend normally.
But when I was picking pictures for today’s post I have realized that in fact this trend got me this time.
It’s true I still feels like having feet on the ground but I can’t take these new sneakers off lately. It’s not only about feeling comfy although it’s very important but I simply fell for them and they are at least one piece that gives color to this outfit.
We made these pictures like two weeks ago when the weather was really unpredictable but I won’t stop enjoying these undefined long tops all year long. I’m rarely defeated by fashion trends but when I do I usually hold on to it for a long time. And that perfectly responds to the frequency research of wearing our clothes. It says that we wear only 20 % of items from our closet and the rest 80 % we might never put on.
What about you and fashion trends? Follow them easily or picking wisely?

Shirt - H&M || long top - Zara || trousers - H&M || jacket - H&M || sneakers - Foot Locker|| bag - Mango