Jak snadno můžeme oddálit pocit konce léta jedním úžasným kouskem, který je právě jako dělaný pro ty dlouhé letní noci, ale zároveň ho šlo obléknout zrovna v to dnešní chladné ráno. Ano, mluvíme o minimalistických slip dress.
Tak jednoduše kombinovatelné, univerzální a hodící se na spoustu příležitostí. S podpatky či teniskami, s krajkovým prádlem či basic trikem. Troufáme si říct, že s tímto kouskem pokrejeme celý rok, protože budou vypadat úžasně i s džínama a crop svetrem. Born to win!
Že je ještě nemáte? Tak honem pro ně, my bychom s jejich koupí určitě neotálely.
Mějte krásný den,
How easily delay the feeling of ending summer with one piece of clothes which is simply perfect for long hot summer nights same as for the cold mornings like today. Yes we`re talking about minimalistic slip dress.
It is so universal, easy to combine and suitable for many occasions. With high heels or sneakers, with the lace lingerie or basic t-shirt. We daresay that we will wear it throught the whole year, because it will also look great with jeans and a crop sweater. Born to win!
You don`t have it in your closet yet? So what do you waiting for?
Have a great day.
Yours BBP
How easily delay the feeling of ending summer with one piece of clothes which is simply perfect for long hot summer nights same as for the cold mornings like today. Yes we`re talking about minimalistic slip dress.
It is so universal, easy to combine and suitable for many occasions. With high heels or sneakers, with the lace lingerie or basic t-shirt. We daresay that we will wear it throught the whole year, because it will also look great with jeans and a crop sweater. Born to win!
You don`t have it in your closet yet? So what do you waiting for?
Have a great day.
Yours BBP

Pics: Pinterest
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