Nedělní ráno jsme tentokrát odstartovaly trochu netradičně, a to společnou kávou, na které by teda nebylo nic zvláštního, ale také několika hodinami vzdělávacího workshopu v rámci FotoŠkoda Fest. Hlavním tématem tohoto workshopu byl módní portrét pro blogerky pod vedením úžasné fotografky Laury Kovanské.
Sunday morning was kinda different than our usual one as although we started it with favorite but quite classic Costa coffee we grab it while we were heading to photo workshops within FotoŠkoda FEST that is currently taking place this week. First one was focused on the fashion portrait for bloggers with amazing Laura Kovanská.
Sunday morning was kinda different than our usual one as although we started it with favorite but quite classic Costa coffee we grab it while we were heading to photo workshops within FotoŠkoda FEST that is currently taking place this week. First one was focused on the fashion portrait for bloggers with amazing Laura Kovanská.
Po krátkém úvodu a možnosti zapůjčení techniky od Fujifilm nás čekal přesun do Školské ulice do jednoho módního ateliéru, ve kterém již probíhaly přípravy modelky pro naše focení. Kromě fotek v samotném interiéru showroomu jsme si tak mohly především vyzkoušet focení v reálném prostředí ruchu pražských ulic.
Odpoledne pak následoval ještě workhop Street foto a fashion pro blogerky s nadaným Davidem Gaberlem, kde jsme si vyzkoušely hru se světlem a naučily se dívat na svět kolem sebe zase z trochu jiného úhlu.
After a short introduction we were given the opportunity to borrow Fujifilm cameras we mooved to one fashion atelier where the model for our shooting was already beeing prepared. So apart from the pictures inside we mainly focused on the shooting outside in the real environment and experienced at least a bit of the process and atmosphere of shooting a fashion editorial.
Followed by afternoon Street photo and fashion for bloggers workshop with talented David Gaberle we played with the natural light and tried to start looking at the outside world from a different point of view.
After a short introduction we were given the opportunity to borrow Fujifilm cameras we mooved to one fashion atelier where the model for our shooting was already beeing prepared. So apart from the pictures inside we mainly focused on the shooting outside in the real environment and experienced at least a bit of the process and atmosphere of shooting a fashion editorial.
Followed by afternoon Street photo and fashion for bloggers workshop with talented David Gaberle we played with the natural light and tried to start looking at the outside world from a different point of view.
Takže pokud ještě někdo z vás uvažuje o přihlášení na seminář či workshop na FotoŠkoda Fest, určitě doporučujeme. Celá akce trvá až do soboty a nás ještě další semináře čekají, takže určitě neváhejte a rezervujte si místo.
So if you now considering to attend some of the seminars and workshops at FotoŠkoda FEST, you still have a chance and we can only recommend. The festival ends on Saturday and we have some other workshops ahead so you shouldn`t wait and register asap.
Holky, takže jsme zvědavé na Vaše nové "foto počiny" :o)