Hezké ráno,
už si ani nepamatuju, kdy naposledy jsem měla čas a vlastně i chuť napsat nový příspěvek. To, že se s mateřstvím změní spousta věcí jsem asi i počítala, ale že to bude až takový rachot, to by mě nikdy nenapadlo. Plynuly tak dlouhé týdny, kdy jsem úplně zapomněla na ten online svět a byla ráda, že můžu být "sama".
Naopak je mi dnes dobře, když můžu otevřít počítač a vymýšlet zase něco nového a utéct tentokrát na druhý břeh a být onlinem obklopena. No, alespoň na tu malou chvilku, než zase vpluju do role té nejšťastnější mámy.
S Martinou jsme před jejím odletem nafotily poslední fotky a teď, než se vrátí, budu hledat někoho ochotného, kdo by jednou za čas zvládl udělal pár fotek, na kterých budu mít nohy a hlavu, takže pokud tu někoho takového máme, dejte mi vědět.
Vzhledem k tomu, že při odchodu z domu na mě teď zbývá tak maximálně 10 minut a i ty jsou doprovázeny hlasitým nesouhlasem, tak sahám po oblíbených kouscích a vsázím zatím jen na pohodlí. Na podpatky se mi teď bude asi nějakou dobu prášit, ale za to už je všechno těhotenské oblečení na dně skříně a já konečně oblékám "své" věci.
Good morning everyone,
I hardly remember when was the last time I had time and actually also mood to write new post. I was aware of the fact that big changes come with maternity but that it's gonna be so much busy and big I've never really imagined. So days become weeks and I totally forgot about the online world outside and was happy to be "alone".
Today on the other hand I feel good about opening my laptop and start thinking about something new and escape "to the other side of the river" and go online. At least for couple minutes before coming back to being the most happy mom.
We made these last photos before Martina's departure and now until she's back for couple weeks I have to find someone who wouldn't mind to make some photos of me where I'd have both head and legs so of there's anyone like that, please let me know.
Well as I have max ten minutes now for myself when leaving home and even those are followed by loud disagreement I choose favorite pieces with an emphasis on comfort. My heels gonna be covered by dust I guess before their time come again but at least all maternity clothes are at the bottom of the closet already and I put on "my" clothes again.
Good morning everyone,
I hardly remember when was the last time I had time and actually also mood to write new post. I was aware of the fact that big changes come with maternity but that it's gonna be so much busy and big I've never really imagined. So days become weeks and I totally forgot about the online world outside and was happy to be "alone".
Today on the other hand I feel good about opening my laptop and start thinking about something new and escape "to the other side of the river" and go online. At least for couple minutes before coming back to being the most happy mom.
We made these last photos before Martina's departure and now until she's back for couple weeks I have to find someone who wouldn't mind to make some photos of me where I'd have both head and legs so of there's anyone like that, please let me know.
Well as I have max ten minutes now for myself when leaving home and even those are followed by loud disagreement I choose favorite pieces with an emphasis on comfort. My heels gonna be covered by dust I guess before their time come again but at least all maternity clothes are at the bottom of the closet already and I put on "my" clothes again.
Jacket - H&M || shirt - Zara || pants - Lindex || slip on - H&M || bag - Calvin Klein || watch - Daniel Wellington
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