Možná bude dnešní fotka na někoho z vás působit smutně, ale věřte, že smutná není ani trochu. My totiž víme, jak toto focení probíhalo a že nás spíš bolela bránice od smíchu. :-)
Nicméně tuhe fotku máme hrozně rády, protože zkrátka vyjadřuje nikoliv smutek, ale naopak to absolutní hluboké štěstí, že máme jedna druhou.
Takže jsme jí vybraly záměrně právě dnes, na sv. Valentýna, protože není podstatné, zda tento svátek slavíme nebo ne (a neslavíme btw.), ale třeba si tak někteří z vás uvědomí, že není důležité, v jaké podobě dáte lidem kolem vás svou lásku najevo, ani jestli je to láska k partnerovi, manželovi, rodičům, sourozencům nebo přátelům, jestli je to zrovna na Valentýna nebo v úplně běžný den.
Důležité je, že jí dáte najevo.
PS: Jo a pokud byste nám snad někdo přeci jen chtěl poslat květiny a čokoládu ve tvaru srdce, tak máme rády tulipány a čokoládu prosíme hořkou (Martina) a bílou (Nikola), pokud možno. :-D
Tak ať je váš den, a nejen ten dnešní, plný lásky!
Vaše BBP
Today's picture might seem sad to some of you but be sure that it's not sad at all. Because we still remember the shooting and how much we were laughing. :-)
Anyway we really like this picture as it doesn't express sadness but the absolute opposite, deep and strong happiness that we have each other.
So we've picked this one intentionally today, on St. Valentine's Day, because it's not important if you celebrate this day or not (and we don't btw.), but some of you might realize that it's not about how you show your love to people you care about or if it's love to a partner, husband, parents, brothers and sisters or friends, if it's on Valentine's Day or any other day.
The most important is you show it.
PS: Well if there's someone who'd really want to send us flowers and chocolate heart so we like tulips, dark chocolate (Martina) and white chocolate (Nikola). Just in case. :-D
So let your day, and not only today, be full of love!
Yours BBP
Today's picture might seem sad to some of you but be sure that it's not sad at all. Because we still remember the shooting and how much we were laughing. :-)
Anyway we really like this picture as it doesn't express sadness but the absolute opposite, deep and strong happiness that we have each other.
So we've picked this one intentionally today, on St. Valentine's Day, because it's not important if you celebrate this day or not (and we don't btw.), but some of you might realize that it's not about how you show your love to people you care about or if it's love to a partner, husband, parents, brothers and sisters or friends, if it's on Valentine's Day or any other day.
The most important is you show it.
PS: Well if there's someone who'd really want to send us flowers and chocolate heart so we like tulips, dark chocolate (Martina) and white chocolate (Nikola). Just in case. :-D
So let your day, and not only today, be full of love!
Yours BBP
Hodně lásky a użijte si krasného Valentýna